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Monday 5 August 2013

What's The Deal with Menstrual cups? A beginners approach.

For about a year or two now I have been hearing about menstrual cups, and I have been wondering what they are all about, and whether it would be a lifestyle change That I would like to enter, or could deal with even.
Because me, being rather uncomfortable of conversations of all things body, well lets just say, this is a whole other level. It has taken me this long to actually get around buying one.

So I guess the title should have been
- Menstrual Cups - approach with caution.
 Because that's what I spent the last year or two doing. (some call it procrastination, others cautiousness)

But really, what spurred me on is the waste that is made, (by all consumables) but I could really do something by adressing these sort of products. I'd used washable nappies, when my monkey's were babies why not re-usable menstrual 'devices?'
There are plenty of washable pads, and I guess they are easily made, but them alone wouldn't do, as I suffer with Mennorhagia - heavy bleeding, and apart from the fact that towels get me through and hour if I am lucky!  The thought of all that extra washing it would create, makes me queazy! - Life is too short to be washing every day!! (I mean clothes washing btw)

So I thought some more, and procrastinated a bit, and then just like you do at the edge of the pool on a hot summer's day I dove in and brought one! :D

Of course this was right at the end of my last period, so I have sat looking at it, just for old times sake (last minute procrastination) for the past month.


Once I realised , that it was 'time' for the cup. I curiously took it out of it box, and double checked the instructions, then washed it as per instructions. Then dried it, then realised that drying it made it fluffy from the towel. So I washed it again and rinsed in boiling water.

I then double checked the instruction again. (just to be sure).
In the meantime, I was fully protected by a pad, but time was limited.
I then got distracted by something totally un related. (yeah, notice a pattern here?)

Time running out, with pad
Make it to the Bathroom, lock door to keep small people out. Look at said cup, laugh. Look at stem
Remember the holy advice of menstrual cup, from all women of the menstrual cup collective* "If it's uncomfortable, cut the stem". Decide to get scissors just incase. Get accosted by small child, who needs a cape, but then skips off calling "aww, I know my leggings will do!" - Yeah really leggings for for everything with this child!

Find scissors, make it back into bathroom, get thedoor locked without being spotted. Look at said cup, and laugh again. - I think it's nervous laughter.
Check instructions again (Never know if something has changed...).
Fold cup, and insert.
It actually was easier than expected!!! :o

mmm, but uncomfy - but I know there must be a knack.
Take out, rinse and cut stem.
I soon found out this wasn't quite enough.

So I came back, cut some more, and for some stupid reason, I cut it diagonally. Yeah OWCH!!

Out it came, More cut, and back in..... And this time, it was ok.

After going out, I found that it was much more comfortable, it had kind of gotten into a better position from me walking about.
still wearing pads, for leaks, but was expecting that. And now, there is no rubbish to sort out, and I am really amazed, by how much cleaner it feels.

And really bloody pleased at being a lot kinder to the environment. So double bonus.
But only day 1, lets see how it goes.

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