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Saturday 10 August 2013

Menstrual cups, what's the Big deal?? Day 4 and 5

Day 4

So today, I had a lull day, in the morning. I just used a pad. But come lunch time, I felt I needed the cup. So I used it. At last I feel I have got the knack (at least 80% of the time).
I hardly felt it at all today.

Not much more to add.

Day 5

Now, I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or not (and I don't tend to believe in coincidences)
But my flow has really slowed.
I normally have a 7 day period, which is really heavy.
But today there really is nothing much to say.

I have already recommended the cup, as I am so impressed. But I must report back next month.
Until then, my little friend the cup, is safely tucked up into its little back.

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Menstrual Cups, What's the big deal?  Days 2 and 3

Day 2

Today I got up, unpacked my little cup from it's little bag and got on with it (You can, of course use them at night, though I'm not sure it could deal with my flow, so am not risking it)

But today, I couldn't get it quite a comfy, perhaps because my flow is heavier, so I persevered.
I also had ran out of pads, so I dug around in the washable nappy bags and used the liners. (even more value for money out of the washable nappies!)

We took the boys to the cinema, as we had promised they could watch Despicable Me 2.
What was great, was not having to take extra pads or tampons with me, and feeling quite safe that I could just empty the cup, and it would fill again. Very liberating actually!

But disaster strike! - I went into the toilet to reposition it, and my washable pad (nappy liner) fell down the toilet. I didn't have a plastic bag or anything! The best I could do was fish it out and hide behind the loo, until the film had finished and I could put it in the popcorn bag or something.

Except upon coming out my hubster had put all the rubbish (anything that remotely resembled a plastic bag) into the bin. Pretty awkward.....

Anyway I managed to survive with an imaginative use of tissue paper, until i got a bag to put it in. Phew!

Cup was still uncomfortable, but OK with adjustments.


This Morning,  I also discovered, that nappy liners work better than even the super-ist super towel, with wings, for night time. Which is a really big bonus!
And then I took the little cup out of it's little bag, where it had spent the night, and quite easily, no fuss at all fitted it. Done and comfortable. (You can, of course use them overnight, but I wasn't sure it could deal with my flow). Today I have the knack!

The boys and I printed of some pictures of typical woodlands trees and went out identifying trees.
This was a real test for the cup, which I found to be comfortable.
I definately prefer the cup (when right) to the traditional methods of sanitary protection.

I feel I am converting....

This can only be a good thing. :)

Monday 5 August 2013

What's The Deal with Menstrual cups? A beginners approach.

For about a year or two now I have been hearing about menstrual cups, and I have been wondering what they are all about, and whether it would be a lifestyle change That I would like to enter, or could deal with even.
Because me, being rather uncomfortable of conversations of all things body, well lets just say, this is a whole other level. It has taken me this long to actually get around buying one.

So I guess the title should have been
- Menstrual Cups - approach with caution.
 Because that's what I spent the last year or two doing. (some call it procrastination, others cautiousness)

But really, what spurred me on is the waste that is made, (by all consumables) but I could really do something by adressing these sort of products. I'd used washable nappies, when my monkey's were babies why not re-usable menstrual 'devices?'
There are plenty of washable pads, and I guess they are easily made, but them alone wouldn't do, as I suffer with Mennorhagia - heavy bleeding, and apart from the fact that towels get me through and hour if I am lucky!  The thought of all that extra washing it would create, makes me queazy! - Life is too short to be washing every day!! (I mean clothes washing btw)

So I thought some more, and procrastinated a bit, and then just like you do at the edge of the pool on a hot summer's day I dove in and brought one! :D

Of course this was right at the end of my last period, so I have sat looking at it, just for old times sake (last minute procrastination) for the past month.


Once I realised , that it was 'time' for the cup. I curiously took it out of it box, and double checked the instructions, then washed it as per instructions. Then dried it, then realised that drying it made it fluffy from the towel. So I washed it again and rinsed in boiling water.

I then double checked the instruction again. (just to be sure).
In the meantime, I was fully protected by a pad, but time was limited.
I then got distracted by something totally un related. (yeah, notice a pattern here?)

Time running out, with pad
Make it to the Bathroom, lock door to keep small people out. Look at said cup, laugh. Look at stem
Remember the holy advice of menstrual cup, from all women of the menstrual cup collective* "If it's uncomfortable, cut the stem". Decide to get scissors just incase. Get accosted by small child, who needs a cape, but then skips off calling "aww, I know my leggings will do!" - Yeah really leggings for for everything with this child!

Find scissors, make it back into bathroom, get thedoor locked without being spotted. Look at said cup, and laugh again. - I think it's nervous laughter.
Check instructions again (Never know if something has changed...).
Fold cup, and insert.
It actually was easier than expected!!! :o

mmm, but uncomfy - but I know there must be a knack.
Take out, rinse and cut stem.
I soon found out this wasn't quite enough.

So I came back, cut some more, and for some stupid reason, I cut it diagonally. Yeah OWCH!!

Out it came, More cut, and back in..... And this time, it was ok.

After going out, I found that it was much more comfortable, it had kind of gotten into a better position from me walking about.
still wearing pads, for leaks, but was expecting that. And now, there is no rubbish to sort out, and I am really amazed, by how much cleaner it feels.

And really bloody pleased at being a lot kinder to the environment. So double bonus.
But only day 1, lets see how it goes.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Facebook Needs Mams

Facebook's increasingly stringent laws regarding explicit images seems not to apply to violence or soft porn, in fact it seems to be a blatant cover to bully breastfeeding mums. These mums are simply documenting snippets of their life. Breastfeeding workers also use pictures to offer support to breastfeeding families across the globe.

On March 13th 2012, after months of watching my facebook friends profiles de-activated due to the sharing of breastfeeding pictures - followed by outrage and nurse-ins at FB headquarters, globally. Yet another of my Facebook friends 'Shana Ritter' had her profile de-activated.

I decided in support of Shana and all the other mums who have had their pictures removed, to use a breastfeeding picture as my cover picture - this was a picture which I had uploaded more than a year ago!

The picture in question is an old Benetton advert from the early 90s - which is in now way sexual, but does show shock-horror, a nipple!!!!
This picture was shared by many and sparked many discussions - most comments being positive, some said it made them think about adoption, and how they'd like to try to breastfeed their own adopted children. Some didn't notice the colour of the skin at all. Practically all agreed it is a beautiful picture.

On March 14th 2012, I opened my facebook to realise my account was blocked for 24 hours - the reason? I had shared sexually explicit pictures, with the Benetton advert showing up. I was also informed this was my second warning (News to me, as far as I know this is my first!).

I was also then told to remove any pictures which were 'sexually explicit and contains nudity'. There was a whole load of them that Facebook had flagged, and if I was honest whilst some contained naked skin, certainly NONE were sexually explicit. But I felt pushed into a corner, and I at least checked the Benetton advert, with great resentment, I felt like I was lying to myself and my beliefs however I did it with the notion that I will contact Facebook at a later date, to request the pictures back.

What Facebook had flagged was a joke in itself  (see screenshot attached) Some were my babies, some were random (My School mug, a festival shot, advertising for a festival). And there were a few breastfeeding pictures.

On the same day another FB friend had to request people stop posting pictures of children who had been blown up on her page (because obviously Facbook has no problems with the sharing of these images).
There are also many pages on Facebook which incite hatred or other disgusting acts, these pages get reported but not removed.
One such page being: Don't Breastfeed In Public - It Makes The Rest Of Us Uncomfortable.
I know for a fact, that many  people have reported this page, for harassment, sexism, hatred toward a group. Not to mention that it is Illegal to harass a women who is breastfeeding in public - at least here in the UK.

We are not meant to be brought up by machines, we are meant to be nurtured by our mothers. There is a whole generation of young girls who aspire to be like Jordan, who see Pole dancing as a fun past time, they want to be rich and famous, or stick thin - they hate and disrespect their own bodies.
The Boys are angry, who have low self worth.
They have probably spent more time on 'The Naughty Step' than on their mothers Bosom.

Could these kids have been save the heartache if they themselves had been breastfed?
Would young women have a healthier view of their body image, if they had grown up seeing breastfeeding - knowing the purpose of their Jugs?

I do not have the answers to that, but I do know that breastfeeding rates would be higher if we saw breastfeeding as the normal thing it is.
The nourishment it gives our children, is paramount to their health. The facts are there in black and white.

So, Facebook - I'd like to know exactly who you think you are protecting with these laws?

It certainly isn't children.

I  would like to share my 7 year old boy's view on all this
"It's stupid Mum, it's just food for babies - how can anyone find that disgusting?"
"Breastfeeding in public is just like eating an ice cream in public?"

Sunday 28 August 2011

The Prince and The Protien

One of the 3 leafs of the Clover House is Nutrition.
(I LOVE nutrition) Food Maketh the Man!

We met Philipa and she was very firm - but she knew her stuff (not like some of these 'pocket nutritionist's)

I'd done a basic 3 day food diary for my Prince - I knew it wasn't great, as we'd had a party, and had friends over at the weekend.

Well, the first thing that was said to me was 'he has a lot of milk, doesn't he?'. This surprised me, as we're very careful as to the amount of milk he has, he rarely drinks milk, but does like yogurt and cheese. - just to explain what she feels was 'alot' of milk, on an extreme milk day he may have - milk in cereal, cheese in his sandwich at lunch, and a yogurt for pudding.

So you can see now why, I was surprised that he had 'alot' of milk. All our baking is dairy free, due to my youngest being allergic to milk proteins (from animals with 4 legs!).

Anyway, my little Mr. T doesn't have wheat, it makes his symptoms much worse, and also give him bad stomach. But we had let it slip a little (der). Apart from the rest of our diet being great, we were told his breakfast is too sugary - he needs to keep his blood sugars balanced. Fair enough!!

So what do we need to do to turn around this tantrum-ing T-boy!?
Protein - for breakfast! Er< OK!

What does this entail? Cooking (at such unearthly hours!)

Mr T,: Pancakes, and cheese- urgh!! I'm not haaaaaving that (goes into that whinging crying mode, that we all know and 'love')

Day 1. Pancakes and baked beans - Surprisingly lovely  - Mr. T had 2 portions!!!

Day 2. Chicken and potato patties with tomatoes -  Last night's Leftover's and very nice!

Day 3. Poached egg (for me) pancakes, with CHEESE and beans - Ha ha, he loved it!!!

Day 4. Pancake and red pepper (Mr T's own recipe) - Boy he's getting the hang of it

So far so good, getting used to 'cooking in the morning'. Other changes is that he has rice cakes and peanut butter 'every night' before bed. Supposed to help regulate the blood sugars at night.

He is sleeping better, and last night it took 30 mins for him to get to sleep - he got to sleep at 9.30 -YEEESSS   Plus we were 'outside' the bedroom.

Keep you all posted!!! 

The Clover Approach

So My eldest son has Asperger's (more about this at a later date).
Lately he has not been sleeping to well - he's been fearful and waking.
Maybe this is just what happens at 6...maybe this is the Asperger's .

Luckily enough, I live across the road from a natural therapy centre Clover House - this is them.

The only contact I had (until recently) was to donate my gliding chair to them about a year ago.

So after 6 weeks of sitting on the floor of my 6 year old's bedroom floor for up to 3 hours, just waiting for him to sleep - only to have to wake at night due to his night terrors.
We finally decided enough was enough,  (gluttons for punishment I believe). And phoned Clover House.

They take a 3 pronged approach (hence Clover Leaf) - Imagery Therapy, Massage, and perhaps my favorite - Nutrition.

We spent about 3 hours there, and my (oh so impatient) son, was not bored once!! :O

The Imagery Therapy went well - Blog to follow 

As did the massage,

The Nutrition was  interesting, as I instinctively knew what I should do, what foods affected him etc - but yes we were making mistakes.

I guess things are getting better, we are following the techniques - my lesson, trust your instincts, and ask for help (two of my biggest weakness')
perhaps I will learn one day!!

Will breakdown treatments in further blogs